Audio Business
Studios continue to close down as the music industry persists in singing
its lamentations over ever-decreasing CD sales and everybody has a theory as to why. Which, I think you will agree is
as good a reason as any to look at the business side of the audio industry.
Instead of worrying about the latest plugins or the newest box, ask yourself
what are the latest business trends and the newest sources of profit and where the greatest threats lurk. What actually
is likely to happen to your business if you invest in a new desk, rather than build a production suite or put a concert grand
into the live room. Just where should you be putting your money?
In this chapter, don't ask yourself "Can you successfully mix in the box?"
but rather try to find out if mixing in the box makes business sense - or does the customer still want to see that big desk
with thousands of buttons?
Just what does draw the customer, the very latest DAW with every plugin
and a space-age control surface, or a vintage desk and a nice room in an old building? If your customer is
an agent booking a studio for a film score, what is really more important, a prestige desk, vintage mics, a canteen serving
great food, or something as mundane as off-street parking, lots of space and a loading ramp?