The Younger Children of George, the Fourth Great Baron of Inchbrakie and Aberuthven and Margaret
Keith, his Wife
BESIDES the eldest son "Black Pate" there was a second son John Graeme; and two daughters Margaret
who married the Chief of Strowan; Alexander Robertson and Beatrice who married Robertson of Lude for her first husband, and
a younger brother of the Chief of Strowan for her second husband.
Some confusion has been caused by the difficulty of istinguishing between this John Graeme, brother
of "Black Pate," and John Graeme, Captain of the Town Guard who was a son of "Black Pate." This has been owing to the long
life of the former, which exceeded that of his nephew, and also to the very few references to be found regarding him. His
existence has been proved, and his identity cleared up by an accidental note found in the Gask Charter Chest in November 1902.
The identification is proved by the date, and by his signature; the note is appended in full:
To the Right Honourable Sir, it has pleased God of His mercie to call my father from this lyfe, whose bodye
we mind God willing, to inter at our buriall place in the Church of Crieff on Monday the fifth of this instant. J. Graeme.
We therefore earnestlie doe intreat you to come to Inchbrakie the said day at seven o'clock of night to do him this last honor
in conveying his corps thither, whereby ye sail oblige me to be
Your real friend and servant, J. Graeme. Inchbrakie, 3rd July, 1654.
There are two
points to draw attention to in this document; the first is that the signature and the invitation itself are in a perfectly
different handwriting; the other is, that there appears to be a double form of invitation. The first is the announcement
of the funeral to ordinary acquaintances and possibly the tenantry; the second is to the intimate friends and relations that
are expected to assemble first at the Castle of Inchbrakie. The allusion to " my father," the date of the burial, coinciding
exactly with the death of the fourth laird, and the signature, leave no doubt as to the existence of a son John, who hitherto
has been scarcely mentioned in any document except a will, and who has always been omitted from Burke and most family
records. The curious thing is, that no other funeral invitation was met with in the carefully arranged papers in the
Gask Charter Chest, and this one would probably not have been there, had not Oliphant of Gask owed his mother, Lilias
Graeme, money on a "band."
On the invitation to the funeral is hastily written a receipt for the year's interest of it, signed
in a trembling hand, and witnessed by James and John Drummond, her grandsons. It appears that Lilias, now a very old lady,
may have been staying at Inchbrakie at the time of her nephew George's death and funeral, that ready money was required and
that Oliphant paid his mother, and the receipt was hastily written out on the funeral invitation, and witnessed by the young
Drummonds of Pitkellony, who would also be present at their relative Inchbrakie's funeral.
The next mention of John Graeme is in the Burgess Rolls of Edinburgh, date 9th October 1674, when John Graham,
brother german to Patrick "Graeme of Inchbraco, compeared, and is maid Burgess and geld brother of this Burgh, and gave in
his aith in manner observed (?) and paid for his dewty to the Dean of Gild, conforme to an act of council of the dait of their
presents ane hundreth thrie scoir sex pounds," and it is to be gathered from the above that he entered the mercantile profession,
at any rate later on he became a member of the Darien Company.
John Graeme was not singular in this; the proposal made to found a colony on the Isthmus of Darien, connecting
North and South America, to receive merchandise from the East and transport it to the western side of the Isthmus, shipping
it to Great Britain was universally accepted, in a future Sketch further details will be given of this matter ; nearly every
Scotchman or woman who had money to spare threw it into the scheme.
A long list of subscribers is given in the Darien Papers, of which the following is a sample:
Mungo Graeme of Gorthie £
200 Duncan Campbell of Monzie £ 500 Mungo Graeme of Gorthie £ 500 William, Lord Nairne.
£ 500 David, Lord Ruthven
£ 1000 Walter Grahame Milne of Gask
£ 100 Margaret, Dowager Lady Nairne £ 200 James Graeme of Orchell £ 300 Sir P. Murray,
Ochtertyre £1000 Thos. Graeme of Balgowan £ 600 Mr John Grahame, Aberuthven
£ 100 John Drummond of Colquhalzie £ 500 Sir Wm. Stirling of Ardoch £ 400 James, Marquis of Montrose
£ 1000 Thomas Graeme of Balgowan for David Graeme of Kilour £ 200 David Graeme of Jordanstowne, through
Drummond of Newtown £ 100 Wm. Oliphant of Gask
£ 500 Dame Margret Graham, Lady Kinloch £ 200 John Haldane of Gleneagles £ 600
But the list is
endless, and comprises the cream of Scottish nobility and gentry, its merchant princes and professional men; alas, its widows
and daughters also.
So much for individuals; but the fever did not stop there. Burghs combined together and so did hospitals,
to subscribe in multiples, that, for which units had not sufficient, and the climax was reached on the 31st of March 1696,
when both a morning and an afternoon list of subscribers was issued. The largest sum subscribed was £3000; the smallest, £100.
In 1698, Articles of Agreement had been signed at Edinburgh between the Court of Directors of the Indian
and African Company of Scotland on the one part, and Gilbert Stewart, Merchant in Rotterdam, on the other.
Haldane, the Laird of Gleneagles, was one of the prime movers.
Captain W. Tennant commanded the ship
Caledonia, and the colony was to be called New Caledonia. Men, women and children sailed for it, and a letter from Hector
Mackenzie to Mr James Haldane says "amongst the deaths, of which there were fifteen old and young, were Lieutenant Hugh Hay,
Mr Adam Scott, and Mr Paterson."
In 1698-99 the Spaniards had attacked, taken prisoners and otherwise ill-treated many of the colonists,
and the Scottish Parliament took serious notice of the matter; they moved "that our colony of Caledonia in Darien is a legal
colony, and that Parliament will maintain and support the same."
In 1700 there was laid before them a letter from the King to the Scots Parliament, in which he regretted
he could not agree to asserting right to the Company's colony in Darien, in spite of pressing desires of all Ministers, and
inclination of subjects, but yielding to it " would intail a heavie war on our ancient Kingdom," in which no assistance was
to be expected. The King expressed "hartie sorrow for the Company's losses," but was willing to repair them and suggested
to "Parliament to lay hold of it," but advises care in taking action, which might lead to differences with other nations,
and all he could demand was, that it be supplied with such forces as necessary for maintaining it in its present happy settlement.
In 1701 Parliament had laid before it a petition from the Company of Scotland trading in Africa, to be defended
from the encroachments of the Spaniards, and to strengthen this, petitions for the same were sent in from heritors in almost
every shire in Scotland and laid before Parliament by their respective M.P.'s.
The Parliament shilly-shallied over the matter until in 1701 they resolved that the Colony of Caledonia
in America is a legal one; conform to Act of Parliament and that the several insults of Spaniards on our Indian and African
Company's Colony of Caledonia, and their confiscating the said Company's ship Dauphin, with its crew (forced to run ashore
at Carthagena in Spain to escape shipwreck), and their barbarous insults to our men, forcing the most considerable of
them to die as pirates, are acts of open hostility and contrary to the Treaty Tariff of Great Britain and Spain, and therefore
that satisfaction may be demanded of the same.
The declaration made by Captain Robert Pinkerton, second in command of the Dauphin, and James Grahame was
read, showing how they were taken prisoners at Carthagena and brought to old Spain, and a resolution passed that an address
be made to His Majesty to assert the Company's right, by a majority of 108 to 84. The address was then drawn up, passed, and
two or three of the leading gentlemen in the various counties signed it: For Stirling, by James Graeme, Buchlyvie.
For Perthshire, George Graeme, younger of Inchbrakie, Duncan Robertson of Struan, Gilbert Stewart of Fincastle,
Graeme of Jordanstown, John Graham of Damside, J. Graham of Orchill, John Graeme of Aberuthven, William Graham of Orchill,
younger, J. Graeme of Garvock, J. Graeme of Balgowan.
For Orkney it is signed by James Graham and George Graeme. For Glasgow by James Graham, Lawrence Graham,
John Grahame, James Grahame, John Grahame, J. Grahame. (Acts of Parliament of Scotland.)
It must be noted that many other gentlemen signed for these shires and burghs, but I have given some of
the names bearing only on families connected with these sketches.
The last record I have seen in the Acts of the Parliament of Scotland on the Darien Company is the report
by Committee on Darien claims, amongst these are John Graeme, the subject of this sketch, and James Graeme (his great-nephew)
dated 1707, and it is recommended that such sums as Parliament think fit should be "paid them out of the dead stock of the
Company." Time prevented a fuller examination of the Darien manuscripts, 252 in number, in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh,
else it were possible further details of the vicissitudes of John and James Graeme might be brought to light. Both grand-uncle
and nephew died immediately after, their claims being settled, as will be seen from their respective wills.
John Graeme died in or about the year 1700. In his will he is stated to have been some time in the Colony
of Darien and to have deceased at the battle of Hochstadt in the month of ?? in the year of ?
The will is given up by his "nephew George," Carmichael's Dragoons, and John is stated to have been brother
german to the "deceist George Graham" of Inchbrakie on 1st October 1707.
Here lies the last confusion which so far remains unexplained; myself, I think that the will has been entered
long after it was proved, and has been filled in by a clerk who had not realised that he was entering the names of persons
two generations apart; the blanks above are in the original will.
Amongst the assets is mentioned the sum to be paid by order of Estates of Parliament out of the said Company
of Scotland for his services in the said Colony of Darien, and now due, and a sum due by Sir James Johnstone. John Graeme
does not appear to have died a rich man, but there are no debts mentioned as due by him.
The "service" rendered to the colony would be that referred to in Sketch XII., where it is mentioned
that John Graham was put ashore as a volunteer to try and save the colony after its desertion by the colonists.
It is possible that some engagement took place there which was named the Battle of Hochstadt. The well-known
engagement of that name took place as early as 1703, four years before the will is proved.
Margaret was
married from the schoolroom, and Beatrice took two husbands in succession; both sisters married into the famous Clan of Robertson.
Their parents had married in 1608, and the girls were (on the Distaff side), nieces of Sir Alexander Keith of Ludquhairn,
and cousins of the fourth and fifth Earl Marischals. They grew up beside their brothers, John, and the celebrated Black Pate,
and into their ears would be poured the hopes and high ambitions of the latter; ere he was freed from his tutors, the eldest
sister was borne away in 1626 by her Highland lover.
The contract
was signed in 1626 and Alexander Robertson, younger, of Struan, dowers her in her seventeenth year and all the lands of Struan,
by consent of his father Robert, and his mother Agnes McDonald, Clan Reynald.
Space forbids
details of this interesting race; as illustrious as it was marital, for interesting records of the Clan Donnachie, I would
refer readers to Mr Rosach Clarke’s volumes and the "Marital Achievements of the Robertson’s", from which authorities
I cull the brief statements below.
Royal blood
was in their veins, for the Robertsons were descended from Duncan, King of Scotland.
In 1541 lands
are confirmed to Robertson of Struan and Marioti McAne his wife, thus proving he was already owner of Dunalister. Struan had
been granted to the Robertsons for the large numbers of wolves destroyed by them, which had become a terror in Northern Perthshire;
when arms were also granted him of three wolves’ heads erased, in commemoration of the benefit he conferred.
In the charter
chest of the Morays of Abercairny, there was in 1446 the triangular seal of "Robert, son of Duncan" Lord of Struan, appended
to a deed; on it were the three wolves’ heads erased, supported by two Ratch hounds, surrounded by the above legend.
On the murder
of King James I, the Laird of Strowan in particular, was fired with the desire to punish the instigators of the plot; raising
a large body of his kinsmen and clan, he searched the woods and apprehended Robert Stewart, grandson and heir of the first
Earl of Atholl, who was stated to be the contriver with Lord Robert Graham and others of the plot against the King’s
life; these all suffered death for the murder.
Struan, for
his "signall and eminent" service, received a charter under the Great Seal, incorporating all the lands of Struan into a barony
and in addition, a peculiar distinction in heraldry only borne by four families in the kingdom; that of the Duke of Douglas,
the Earl of Perth, the Lairds of Dundas and Struan. The Struans bear a wild man lying chained under their escutcheon of arms.
A good deal
of hot blood was naturally engendered between the retainers of the two greatest landowners in that district – the Stewarts
of Atholl and the Robertsons of Struan, and in 1530, Alexander of Struan being in dispute with Atholl regarding their marches,
the former was killed by the retainers of the latter. As a set-off to this, in 1475 Atholl commanded the land forces sent
by James the Third to subdue McDonald, Earl of Ross (of whom the Robertsons were descended), Lord of the Isles. The King in
dispatching Stewart, used the words "Furth fortune and fill the fetters". The Stewarts succeeded in capturing the Lord of
the Isles, by filling a small pool in a rock with honey and whisky, from which the latter drank feverishly, and was thus taken
while asleep; ever since, the title of "Athole Brose" has been given to a mixture of meal and water, honey and milk. Atholl
was rewarded by the lands of Cluny and the Atholl crest with the King’s words for motto.
Douglas tells
us that the first Earl of Athole, son of Sir James Stewart the Black Knight of Lorn, had, by his second wife, Lady Eleanor
Sinclair, who was the daughter of William, Earl of Orkney and Caithness, two sons and eight daughters; their fourth daughter,
Isobel, married Alexander Robertson of Struan, and their fifth married his son, Donald Robertson, "Fiar of Strowan".
The "Atholl
Chronicles," however, state that Duncan was the name of the "fiar" of Strowan, that he died before the marriage to Isobel,
and his father thereupon married the young lady, and from that marriage sprang the Robertsons of Fascally, also that it was
the fifth daughter of the Black Knight of Lorn married Robert, "fiar" of Strowan.
In 1590, when
the great barons became surety for the good behaviour of their clan, Donald Robertson of Strowan gave his in 5000 pounds.
I could give many more interesting records but space forbids, and enough has been said to show that the Laird of Inchbrakie
had chosen a fit mate for his eldest daughter, who bore the blood of Earls of Montrose and Marischal in her veins.
In what a lovely
Highland country lay her home. Just beyond Pitlochry you see before you Loch Tummel (with its fringes of silver birch and
black fir, mirrored in its bosom) gleaming now in sunshine, and later darkened with the shadows of the moorland heights surrounding
it, while the somber beauty of dark Schiehallion rises at the head of the loch; you will know that there lies the first tracts
of the Struan land, while in a tiny island under Schiehallion’s shadow is still shown the stones of one of the fastnesses
of the chiefs of Clan Donachie, where Robert the Bruce in his wandering was once securely sheltered.
But Tummel was
only the outskirts of her home, for miles through wood and rushing streams where the trout and salmon lay low, through vale
and hill, with hanging woods to right and left, the Struans held their sway, till in 1600 they claimed Rammoch all their own,
and rested for a space, barred further progress by the "shepherds" rising across their path; those hills, who for centuries
had gazed from afar with a solemn grandeur back on the crag Dunalister, the last resting-place of the Chiefs of the clan who,
in dreamless sleep, are content that beyond and around them cluster the woods and lie the moors, the lochs and the rivers
that they loved as only Highlanders can love, and that their dear ones coming back to weep them, are presently comforted and
the tearful eyes are drawn onward over the peaceful strath to the fair bosom of the loch of Rammoch, and not resting there;
gaze still onward and upward to the "hills whence cometh their help." Truly no grander spot can any favoured children of Scotland
claim for their burial ground!
Ten years later
the young husband is laid to rest there, and thought probably the widow lived principally with her son and his tutor (Donald
Robertson, his uncle) she seems to have had a house of her own near Perth; this was probably arranged, because Donald was
married to her sister and resided at the house of his nephew, whom he seems to have trained in all the loyal instincts of
his own and his mother’s clan.
The widowed
Margaret’s boy, Alexander, had been left to the care of Donald, his uncle and tutor, and at the age of nineteen "went
out" in the Great Troubles, leading his clan for the Royal cause, thus giving great satisfaction to his uncle, "Black Pate"
of Inchbrakie.
uncle, Donald Robertson, had, in 1640, made a closer connection with the Inchbrakies, by his marriage with Beatrice Graeme
the Lady Lude, then a widow; and she and her own little son lived much at Struan, while her sister, Mrs Robertson of Struan,
lived more at her house in Perth, and is often at Inchbrakie.
The fact was,
Margaret, a widow at 27 years of age, was attractive enough to have many suitors, and a difficulty arose between herself and
her father as to the choice of the favoured gentleman. For a time her submission to George Graeme’s wishes gave him
hope that she would abide his decision, but Inchbrakie’s imprisonment in Edinburgh and frequent absence from home during
the early years of the Great Troubles, gave greater opportunity to the man she favoured and Margaret was persuaded to ignore
her father’s and mother’s advice.
I give the story
shortly from a MS. Written by George Graeme, her father, being a copy he made of an appeal to be laid before the "Presbyterie"
in Perth, desiring that that body would not permit her banns to be called with a certain Mr Alexander Balneaves, a minister
holding a Kirk at Tibbermuir. The Laird explains that he received an offer of marriage from Colin Campbell, brother to the
Laird of Glenurchie for his daughter Margaret, the widow of Robertson of Struan; he told his daughter of the fact, and bade
her "keep herself indifferent" until he had made such conditions as were suitable to her; Margaret replied, "I will never
do anything in the maiter of my marriage, but be your consent and advyse."
On her mother
taking over this matter with her in th "Yaird of Inchbrakie", and remarking that she herself loved not the "hielands" for
there were very few as dutiful to their wives as "persownes would have them to be," Margaret replied, "that need not maiter,
I will never marie without my faither’s consent and yours."
On another occasion,
when James Oliphant, brother to the Laird of Gask, came wooing Margaret, finding Margaret adverse to the union, Inchbrakie,
with all care lest the matter should make a coldness between old friends and relations, like the Gasks and Graemes, put the
matter aside for her, stating he would insist in nothing "concerning you bot to your ane will, and I houp you will follow
my advyzse" in all things; to which Margaret gave her strong assurance. Inchbrakie goes on to make complaint that during his
absence from home a certain Mr Alexander Balneaves, minister at Tibbermuit, gained complete influence over his daughter, and
persuading her to "unfilial dewty", obtained a promise of marriage from the Lady Struan; since then all memory of her promises
to her parents had left her, and she had "seemed to deny all truthes," as when last with her mother she "passed from some
promise made be her the nicht before. ‘How now, maiden, I think ye have learned to lie’ quoth Margaret Keith;
Lady Struan replied, ‘I cannot weed it I must lie.’" "If this be godly and Christian like conduct," wrote the
indignant father to the Presbytery, "I leave it to your bossum’s guiding." He continued his complaint against the influence
of Balneaves on Margaret Graeme by station that after this, she (who had taken a voluntary oath in the present of the Laird
of Gorthie and the minister of Logiebride, Mr Omay, that without the consent of her father she would never marry Mr Balneaves)
craved permission to suffer her to go to Tulliebelton to his son’s "wyffe who was then lying in childbed, to attend
her," and that in a few days she would return; his answer was she could go where she pleased, for "I was persuaded she would
keep the promise and oath she had made.
Margaret was
escorted to Tulliebelton by her brother "Black Pate", and they rode by Moneydie where who should meet them "in the Knokheid"
but her clerical lover, and in the church at Moneydie she told him of her oath and promise "and gave over all former proceedings
in the matter of her marriage" until Inchbrakie’s consent could be obtained. Whether Alexander Balneaves was a true
lover or not must be surmised; but if the former, he verified the proverb that all is fair in love and war! It is proved by
witnesses that he was "so grievat that he was seen to depairt from her weeping," whilst "she thereafter did go to her brother’s
house," and that Mr Balneaves that Saturday night rode in to Perth, and "a friend spearing at him" how he did, he replied,
"as weel as ane man can be who is deceavit be his mistress," witnessed by Godeman of Williamstown and Woodend. On the morrow
being Sunday, he stayed from the kirk, "feigning himself to be deidly sick," and having sent for Margaret Kinross, maid to
Lady Struan, so impressed her with his fatal condition that, taking the minister’s horse, the woman rode with all speed
to Tulliebelton, entreating Lady Struan to hurry to his side and give him some comfort ere he died.
In 1646 matters
of etiquette were hard and fast, and Margaret’s visit to the sick minister gave her father deep offence; Mr Balneaves
must have known he was placing the Lady Struan in an awkward position in the eyes of society, as censorious then, and more
so than in the 20th century. George Graeme’s petition for the moment takes more the form of a lecture as
he warns the "Presbyterie" that the encouragement of such a course, and the overlooking of the slack doctrine preached by
Balneaves, will much reflect on the reformed Kirk of Scotland. Inchbrakie further reminds the Brethren that their Moderator
had already warned Mr Balneaves not to make any visit to the Lady’s house (and that even "these should be bot seldom")
except in the hours between six in the morning (rather an early call for the most welcome of lovers!) and six in the evening;
but notwithstanding such a command the minister almost "every nicht he soups in her house, staying on as it pleases him till
nine or ten-o-clock.
"Black Pate"
urged his father that as the contract was drawn up matters had gone too far to withhold his consent; so the banns were called,
and apparently the Lady Struan became Mrs Balneaves, while no doubt her handsome dower added to her bridegroom’s worldly
contentment! Our record of her goes no further than her second marriage.
Meanwhile her
son Alexander, Laird of Struan, had grown to manhood, and coming down to visit his uncle "Black Pate" at Inchbrakie, found
a wife at Mchany in Catherine Drummond, daughter of the first Sir Robert of Machany, granddaughter of the first Lord Madertie,
and the first cousin to his aunt, the Lady Jean of Inchbrakie.
In time an only
son Robert was born to them, but died before he reached man’s estate; their only daughter Anne married Hugh, son of
Sir John McDonald.
Struan passed
through the Great Troubles, proving a staunch ally of his uncles Donald and "Black Pate".
In an old MS
record of 1662 we find the following: - "Robertsone, tutor of Struan, having the Laird, his nephew (who afterward, when he
came to man’s estate and proved himself a most valiant and faithful subject to doe his Majestie service) under his tuition,
did imploye his pupils estate whollis upon the King’s service, and did weill neir bring that familie to utter ruine
for upon the first mention of the troubles in Scotland, he repaired unto his late Majestie into England, who was pleased to
give him a commission and returned him to Scotland to attend his Majestie’s affairs ther, and never was there any business
attempted for his Majestie in that kingdom, but wherein he did expose his personne and all his interests to all hazards, for
the advancement of the same, and when non els did appeir for his Majestie, he intertined ane hundred men upon his own charges
for the space of three years, still living in wood and mountains until Montros did undertake the war in Scotland; upon which
expedition and upon all others that occurred since, he behaved himselve most valientlie and faithfullie for all his Majestie’s
interests, for which beside his uther losses he was excommunicate by the church."
proves that Margaret’s husband was dead at least three years before Montrose took up the affairs in Scotland.
By 1645 young
Struan’s lands were forfeited by the Scotch Parliament in the name of his uncle; this partly was instrumental in saving
them to the young laird.
In August 1675
we find Alexander of Struan, now 48 years of age, obtaining sasine of the lands of Trellich within the Lordship of Atholl,
proceeding on a charter to John, Earl of Atholl; by this time Catherine Drummond his wife had died, and he was married again
to Miss Marian Baillie, daughter of General Baillie of Torwood, and in 1678 the birth of a son and heir took place, in 1681
Alexander was once more retoured to all his lands.
The Retour commences
with his being served heir to Alexander his father, and Margaret Graeme his wife, and ceases at Robertus Duncani his great
great great great great great great grandfather. "Avis Tretavi sui qui obiit ad fidem et pacem saenissima principis Jacobi
secundi regus Scotorum"; which we know was in the year 1446.
In 1688 Margaret
Graeme’s son died, and he was succeeded by the son of his second wife Miss Baillie; he proved to be more than a chip
of the old block. A born soldier, and what was even rarer in those days, a refined scholar, the boy bore all the loyal instincts
of his race. We first hear of him in 1690, two years after his father’s death, when his mother, fearing that she may
be left childless as well as widow, implores his guardians that they prevent the young laird "going out". He was at the University,
St Andrews (the Alma Mater of the best Scotch blood of that day), when Dundee took the field. In spite of his mother’s
remonstrances, he laid aside his books and hurried home to buckle on the sword. As Struan was Claverhouse’s headquarters,
the gallant young soldier would be host to his hero, and was with him at Killiecrankie. What deep grief must have been his
at the death of the gallant Dundee! He and his young cousin of Lude (doubly related through their two grandmothers of Inchbrakie),
bore their part in the funeral when Claverhouse was laid to rest in the kirkyard of Old Blair. Attainder followed and heroism.
We find him in 1715 and again in 1745, a leader and almost singular as taking part in three of the Jacobite wars.
But his camp
life had either given him a distaste for marriage or no time to woo; the years between the periods he unsheathed his sword,
found him at his pen, singing his heroes and their cause; after Prestonpans he returned to Rannoch in Johnnie Cope’s
In 1701 he also
three some money into the insatiable maw of the Darien Scheme, and he died when nearly eighty years of age at Carrie Rannoch
in 1749. Mr Murdoch tells us his picture, knife and fork are preserved in the Mansion of Croiscraig in that district.
Thus the direct
male line of the Roberts of Struan ends in Margaret Graeme of Inchbrakie’s grandson.
Beatrice (the
second daughter of George Graeme, fourth Laird of Inchbrakie) also married a Robertson, but of Lude. Her husband was of the
House of Lude (or Lood, as it is spelt in the ancient writings) and a contemporaneous branch of the Struan family. Patrick
of Lood received his charter from his father in 1358, and it remained in the family till 1821.
Beatrice, like
her sister, soon became a widow, her husband, Alexander, died in 1639, and their little son was left to the guardianship of
"Black Pate", his uncle. Too young to take a leading part in the Troubles, he was represented by his uncles John and Donald
of Lude, whose influence assisted to rally the men of Atholl under "Black Pate" round the Banner of Montrose in 1644.
Later on his
Uncle John held Blair Castle for Montrose, having been appointed keeper, and the boy himself was present with "Black Pate"
at Tibbermuir, for which cause the house of Lude was afterwards burnt by Cromwell and a heavy find exacted.
The young laird
was "out" in the 1745, when Prince Charlie honoured him by paying a visit to Lude.
The last Robertson
who owned Lude, Colonel James Aexander Robertson, sold it to the McInroys; in 1861 he printed a volume relating to the lands,
etc. owned by the Lude family.
Beatrice Graeme
did not remain a widow long; one year later after Lude’s death she married (in 1640)Donald Robertson, uncle to the young
Chief of Struan, who is her nephew, living under her husband’s tutelage, and joins his uncle "Black Pate" in the "Great
Troubles" with his cousin Lude.
In an old MS
a note states that there was second son born to George Graeme and Margaret Keith, called George; according to the invariable
custom, when two boys were bron they were christened alternately Patrick and George, or George and Patrick. It is stated he
died in France. The MS is called a "double of the genealogie of the sons and familie of Inchbrakie," and is undated, but the
handwriting points to that of the fifth laird about the year 1680; the statement may therefore be accepted, but there are
no further proofs at present of his existence.