A Book of the Graemes


Title Page
Preface (v)
Sketch of Graeme Decent Through the Noble House of Montrose (xvii)
Images to Sketch of Grame Decent
Sketch I Patrick Graeme, 1st Great Baron of Inchbrakie and Aberruthven (1)
Sketch II The Younger Children and Widow of Patrick, the First Great Baron of Inchbrakie (6)
Sketch III Robert Graeme, Archdeacon of Ross, Younger Son of the First Great Baron (10)
Sketch IV George Graeme, 2nd Baron of Inchbrakie (19)
Sketch V Widow and Children of George Graeme (27)
Sketch VI George Graeme, Bishop of Orkney, Retland and Dunblane (35)
Images to Sketch VI
Sketch VII Patrick Graeme, Third Baron of Inchbrakie (66)
Sketch VIII Widow and Younger Children of Patrick Graeme (90)
Images to Sketch VIII
Sketch IX George Graeme, Fourth Baron of Inchbrakie (104)
Images to Sketch IX
Sketch X The Younger Children of George and Marget Keith, his Wife (118)
Sketch XI Patrick V of Inchbrakie 'Black Pate' (134)
Images to Sketch XI
Sketch XII Col Patrick Graeme of the Town Guard and his Family (186)
Images to Sketch XII
Sketch XIII John Graeme, Postmaster General (216)
Sketch XIV James Graeme, Solicitor General (223)
Sketch XV Daughters of Black Pate (230)
Images to Sketch XV
Sketch XVI George Graeme, 6th Baron of Inchbrakie (248)
Sketch XVII Younger Son & Daughters of George Graeme (259)
Sketch XVIII Patrick Graeme, 7th Baron of Inchbrakie (262)
Images to Sketch XVIII
Sketch XIX George Graeme, 8th in-line, son of Patrick (276)
Sketch XX Patrick Graeme, 8th Baron of Inchbrakie (284)
Images to Sketch XX
Sketch XXI Younger Sons and Daughters of the 8th Baron (317)
Images to Sketch XXI
Sketch XXII George Graeme, 9th Baron of Inchbrakie (340)
Sketch XXIII Patrick and Younger Sons and Daughter of George Graeme, 9th of Inchbrakie (360)
Images to Sketch XXIII
Sketch XXIV George Drummond Graeme 10th of Inchbrakie and Patrick Graeme 11th (395)
Images to Sketch XXIV
Sketch XXV The Witch's Relic (406)
Images to Sketch XXV
Sketch XXVI Graemes of Monzie, Pitcairns & Buchlyvie (413)
Sketch XXVII The Graemes of Orchill (432)
Images to Sketch XXVII
Sketch XXVIII The Graemes of Gorthie and Braco (454)
Images to Sketch XXVIII
Sketch XXIX The Graemes of Graemeshall in Orkney (497)
Sketch XXX The House of Graham and Watt of Breckness and Orkney (513)
Sketch XXXI Kathrine Graeme, Daughter of George, Bishop of Dunblane (524)
Sketch XXXII Graemes of Drynie (540)
Images to Sketch XXXII
Sketch XXXIII Graeme of Damside and Graeme of Duchray (547)
Sketch XXXIV The Graemes of Garvock (557)
Sketch XXXV The Graemes of Balgowan (572)
Images to Sketch XXXV
Sketch XXXVI Grames, Greymes, Grahams of Callendar; Aberuthven, Kernock, Kinross Cossington (592)
Sketch XXXVII Grahams of Airth & Graham-Stirling of Strowan (604)
Sketch XXXVIII The Graemes of Fintry, Claverhouse, Duntrune and other Cadets (616)
Images to Sketch XXXVIII
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
Appendix IV
Appendix V
Appendix VI
Index A
Index B
Index C
Index D, E & F
Index G
Index H
Index I, J, K & L
Index M & N
Index O, P, Q & R
Index S
Index T, U, V, W & Y

Appendix I

Docketed a note of his Ma'ties suffering servants within the Shire of Perth for adhering to Montrosse in the Royall service 1662. Given in by Patrick Graeme of Inchbrakie (Black Pate)

The names of those who were engaged in the late Maties service under the conduct of the late Marquess of Montrosse standing in a near relation and friendship with Inchbrakie.

Graeme of Inchbrakie bade his estate sequestrat, his wife and children put to beg ther breade, him selfe severall tymes imprisoned and by the church excommunicat.

Graeme of Gorthie had his estate forfalted (which does still so continow) his wife and children reduced to great extremities, himself imprisoned and by the church excommunicat.

Graeme of Monzie had his estat sequestrat, his wife and children reduced to great extremities, his house garisoned and spoiled, and himself killed at Phillopshaugh.

Graeme of Carnie had his estate sequestrat, his wife and children put to beg ther bread and his house destroyed.

Drummond, Lord Mathertie, suffered long imprisonment in the Castle of Edinburgh, his estate destroyed, and his ladie and children put to most miserable exigents.

The Drummonds of Balloch acted and suffered most nobly for his Manes interests.

Tossach of Monivard hade his estate sequestrat, and his wife and children put to great extremities.

Mr George Oliphant of Newtoun hade himselfe first cast into prison and therafter his estate goods and peapers violentie ceased upon without any ordour of law or forme of Justis, and was long kept prisoner both by Scots and Englishe.

Baine of Findall had his estate sequestrat, his wife and children put to beg ther bread.

The Countrie of Atholl consisting for the most part of Stewarts and Robertsounes especialie the families following, viz.:

The familie of Mr John Stewart who was beheaded at Edinburgh for manifesting Argyll’s treacheries against his late Ma'tie of most blessed memorie.

Stewart of Shyreglass whose wisdome and experience conduced much to the king’s service in that warr.

Stewart of Balnakilie a verie judicious and loyall subject. John Stewart, a brother of Fosse, did acquit himselfe valiantlie and faithfulli for his Ma'ties interest.

Stewart of Fincastle did acquite himselfe with great approbation.

Stewart of Orchard did the like.

The Stewarts of Duntarlithe was alwisie constant and faithfull in his Maties service.

Robertsoune, tutor of Struan, this case is given verbatim, p. 130.

Robertsoune of Invarr, a man singularlie qualified both for wisdom and valour hede the keeping of the Castle of Blair in Atholl, and did manfullie mantine the same against all opposition, and discharged that trust with very great approbation.

Robertsoune of Acklick did acquite himselfe most couragiouslie and faithfullie to do his Ma'tie service.

Duncan Robertsoune, ane uther uncle of the laird of Stroan did acquit himself with great approbation.

James Robertsoune in Gaye did acquite himsself as became ane house and stout subject for his prince.

The Flemmings of Moness continued constantlie loyall and active in the king’s service.

Barron Fergrsoune with rest of his name ther did acquits themselves loyallie for his Maties interest.

The Robertsounes of Gillichangre was never wanting when they were called to doe his Ma'ties service.

Robertsoune - ennondrie (?) did still acquits himselfe loyallie and was killed by the Englishe at the intaking of the toun of Sanct Johnstowne.

And generallie the wholl countrie of Atholl (a few being excepted) did expresse themselves al faithfull and loeving subjects to ther king as ever lived under any prince and was evident for ther constant activitie and fidelitie during all thes trubles, dispysing all losses and dangers whatsomever in compitition of ther princes service, notwithstanding that ther wholl countrie haes been divers tymes burnt, ther whol goodes plundered, and all the mischife done them that ther enemies could invent.

The Laird of Macknab being a neighbour unto Atholl did joyne with them. upon all occasions with all his kindrede, and following he was a most dewtifull and loyall subject, who notwithstanding the oppression of the Campbells who tyrannised over him and has taken possession of his estate he was constantlie present in all expeditions undertaken in his Maties behalfe untill he was killed be the Englishe valiantly fighting for his king and countrie.

The Laird of Mackgrigeur and his friends did sometymes joyn with Atholl and wars kindlie friends to all the kings partie.

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If you have any comments or further questions about the text or the origins of the Graemes, please contact   book @ inchbrakie . com

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