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SNP MP's bill helps to reignite UK copyright term debate Tuesday, 11 March 2008 Image UK: The second reading of Scottish National Party MP Peter Wishart's bill to extend the duration of copyright
in sound recordings and of performers' rights took place recently amidst increasing signs that the government is now willing
to look again at some key aspects of copyright law. The call to extend protection beyond 50 years was previously rejected
by Andrew Gowers in his highly controversial report of December 2006.
Renowned French studio facility on the market for €2.7m Tuesday, 11
March 2008 Image FRANCE: Michel Coustillas, founder and owner of Studio du Manoir, which is set in the picturesque
residence of Manoir de Laguens, has announced that both the studio and the actual site are now on sale for €2.7 million Ian Dyckhoff's new venture debuts at the Shockwaves NME Awards Tuesday, 11 March 2008 Image UK: The 2008 instalment of the Shockwaves NME Awards marked the first broadcast project for live sound company
Red TX, established recently by Ian Dyckhoff, formerly a director of Fleetwood Mobiles, and sound designer Conrad Fletcher.
The venture also calls on the expertise of renowned broadcast sound engineer Tim Summerhayes, who is now working in a freelance
capacity after resigning his directorship of Fleetwood Mobiles at the end of February. D5
x 3: DiGiCo consoles out in force on Spice Girls tour Tuesday, 11 March 2008 Image WORLD:
The recently concluded Spice Girls reunion tour made use of no fewer than three DiGiCo D5 consoles for a production that ran
to around 109 inputs. Monitor engineer Matt Napier says that he opted to use two of the consoles (one for the backing band
and for the Spice Girls themselves) because he "wanted to be able to approach the in-ear mixes for the girls in a different
way to those for the musicians." Behringer announces "strategic alliance" with XT
Software Tuesday, 11 March 2008 Image SINGAPORE: Behringer Holdings Ltd has announced details
of a "strategic alliance" with XT Software that will see the latter's energyXT DAW solution bundled with selected Behringer
products, beginning with the USB-equipped XENYX mixers. Established as recently as 2006, XT Software is based in Norway's
Oslo Innovation Center and is focused on the development of community-based music software. National
Schools Radio Network takes "next step" with official website launch Tuesday, 11 March 2008 Image
UK: The National Schools Radio Network - an initiative launched by The Vision Charity late last year with the aim of introducing
young people to radio as a means of developing media awareness, technological skills and self-confidence (read more here )
- is to launch an official website that will encourage schools in the 11-18 years category to enter a programme or audio file
for the chance to win prizes that include £1,000 for the specific purchase of audio/radio facilities that will enhance an
existing set-up
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